Parenthood....From 0mph-100mph!

Join us over the next few weeks for a series on "preparing for parenthood". We will take a brief look at how to get ready in all regards- mentally, emotionally, physically, educationally, your home, etc.

 While the adage that "nothing can prepare you for parenthood" is mostly true, there are some things you can do to get in the right headspace before you have your baby. The first and most important thing is lower your standards! Every new parent is stressed out. Every new parent is overwhelmed. Every new parent is exhausted. Every new parent has one idea before their baby is born about how life will look only to have that picture torn to pieces. And guess what, that's ok! Let's put aside the Instagram-glossy notions of the perfect parent. This will help immensely with this monumental life change.

The reality is, "managing your expectations and preparing mentally and emotionally before your baby is born can reduce the risk of mood disorders (like postpartum depression and anxiety) and ease the transition into parenthood". One of the best ways to manage your expectations is by talking with other mothers. At the PLC Health Clinic, we give you the opportunity, not only with our staff but with other patients, to discuss parenthood and the reality of it. We offer a wide range of classes that can be done one on one with our staff or in a group. The perspective of others can make all the difference in the world when establishing your standard!

So, some simple advice before we get into the series over the next few weeks: Be kind to yourself! This whole parenting thing isn't easy. Lower the bar....and then maybe lower it again!

Resources available upon request.

PLC Health Clinic

FREE pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasound, STD/STI testing for women and men, prenatal and parenting classes, and material support.