Call Us (419) 238-9177
Free & Confidential STI Testing
The Risk is not Knowing...
FACT: Up to 80% of persons with an STI do not experience symptoms.
Sexually transmitted infections and diseases are most common among ages 15 to 24. But STD/STI's do not discriminate.
They are transmitted to persons of all ages, gender, races, and economic statuses. It is estimated that 20 million new cases of STD/STI happen right here in the United States every year. Because sexually transmitted infections don't always produce obvious symptoms, anyone who is sexually active in ANY form, and even using condoms, needs to be tested if not in a mutually monogamous relationship.
Our facility will collect urine and blood samples to be sent off for testing for the most common STI's. The "collection" and education services at the PLC Health Clinic are FREE. If you have insurance, we will send that to the lab facility for billing. Feel free to call us at (419) 238-9177 or set up an appointment online to get tested today!
We Can Test for the Following
Set up an appointment online to get tested today free of charge.