The Importance of Exercise During Pregnancy



During a healthy pregnancy physical activity can help you feel good and give you extra energy.  Other benefits to staying active are maintaining proper weight gain, easing discomforts such as constipation and back pain, managing stress, helping you sleep and most of all preparing your body for labor and birth.One of the very first things you need to do before starting or continuing any exercise program during pregnancy is consult with your health care provider.  It is a general rule that any activity you have been previously engaged in before pregnancy can be continued during your pregnancy.  Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule.  


It is recommended that a healthy pregnant woman try to get at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week.  You can break it up through the week by trying to get in 30 minutes of your exercise program on most or all days.  If you are just starting out, you can even break it down to 10 minutes of activity 3 times a day.  As your belly gets bigger later in pregnancy, you may need to change up or ease up on your workouts.  If your provider gives you the go ahead to exercise, choose activities you enjoy.  This will keep you motivated to stay on track with keeping fit.


Positive Pregnancy Exercises



Some things you can do that are generally considered safe during pregnancy are as follows:


  • Walking.  This is easy, free, and enjoyable.  Walk by yourself and set your own pace, or with a friend so you can enjoy some social time.  If you have a dog or young children, they love being treated to a nice walk as well.
  • Swimming and water workouts.  Being supported by the water when you are pregnant is a great feeling!  If you have lower back pain, this can be your go to exercise.  It is easy on the joints while still increasing your heart rate and giving you some good movement.
  • Stretching and Pilates classes.  Always make sure the instructor knows that you are pregnant.  They will help you modify or avoid poses that may be unsafe for pregnant women.
  • Low-impact aerobics classes.  These type of classes include exercises where you always have one foot on the equipment or on the ground.  This is another situation where if you have an instructor let them know you are pregnant so they can help modify your workout.
  • Strength training.  What a great way to help you build muscles and strong bones!  You will want to use light weights and should not strain yourself in any way.  Be sure and check with your provider about how much weight you can safely work with.


Exercises to Avoid



Activities that should probably be avoided during pregnancy are as follows:


  • Horseback riding
  • Downhill skiing
  • Off-road cycling
  • Gymnastics
  • Skating
  • Ice hockey
  • Boxing
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Water skiing
  • Diving
  • Scuba diving
  • Skydiving
  • Surfing
  • Exercising at a high altitude
  • Sit-ups


Wrapping Things Up


It is fairly self-explanatory why you would not want to engage in some of these activities, but some may have you scratching your head.  Just keep in mind that you do not want to engage in any activity that makes you bouncy or jerky, where you might fall, where your body temperature might become too high, or you need to lie flat on your back (after the first trimester).


Make sure you are drinking lots of water while exercising and pay close attention to how your body feels.  If it is telling you to slow down, listen!  If you see any warning signs such as vaginal bleeding, dizziness, feeling faint, swelling in your lower legs, or trouble breathing during any physical exercise stop your activity and call your provider.  Your body is working extra hard right now to take care of and grow your baby.  There is no better time in your life to take good care of yourself!


If you have more questions about exercise during pregnancy or need more guidance on your pregnancy in general, give us a call at 419.238.9177 or email us at  for any questions or to make an appointment to see one of our staff members.  




PLC Health Clinic

FREE pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasound, STD/STI testing for women and men, prenatal and parenting classes, and material support.