Intentional Kindness for New Moms

We have all been the recipient of a kind gesture or action from someone else at least one time in our lives.  A small act that has touched our hearts and brought us joy when we needed it the most.  Kindness should be the norm in our society and not the exception to how we live our lives on a daily basis.  We should constantly be giving and receiving kindness to make a difference in this world.  Kindness matters.

Random acts that are often seemingly small to us can change someone’s day or quite possibly change someone’s life.  Poet and playwright Oscar Wilde says that, “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention”.  While the month of February is usually associated with Valentine’s Day and love, the second week of the month is also recognized as Random Acts of Kindness week.  And while a random gesture exhibited to a friend, family member or stranger can be a wonderful thing- wouldn’t it be nice if we actually became intentional about some of these actions and they just became something that we did as a regular part of our lives?   Being bold about your kindness does not mean that you will need to bring attention to yourself or require you to reach wide out of your comfort zones.  The kind gesture can be simple, inexpensive and quietly given. 


Why Kindness Matters to a New Mom


At our clinic, we work with pregnant women and new mothers every day.  One theme that often occurs is an overwhelmed mom that could use a break or possibly benefit from the smallest gift; an act that could lighten her load and make her world seem a little brighter.  We thought it would be fun to start February (the month of love and kindness) off by giving some ideas on how you can intentionally and randomly make someone’s day and possibly change someone’s life.  


So many gifts that we can give to another are simple, general ideas that anyone can execute each day and incorporate into their regular routines.  Whether helping others is part of your love language and personality or not, it is important to recognize the need to do it.  These acts not only bless someone else, you may find that these acts could also bless you while you’re being  a blessing to another person in need.  


Babies do not come with an instruction manual and the idea of having a new little can often seem like a lot to absorb.  Becoming a parent is an incredible thing, but it can be demanding and challenging at the same time. This can be true for new mothers or those who already have older children.  Every new baby brings some type of new normal and finding a functional routine takes time.  Random acts of kindness can give a new mama some time to herself for self care, to lighten the financial or physical burdens that come with a new baby, or to simply show that you care.  

What you Can Do


There are a few obvious ways to help a new mother out either before the baby is born, or after she brings the baby home from the hospital.  These ways include but are not limited to: 


1. Provide food


Is there anything better than an amazing home-cooked meal when you don’t have to make it yourself?  Sometimes a new mom is so busy feeding her own baby that nourishing herself can be the furthest thing from her mind; necessary as she knows it to be.  It can also feel daunting to make sure everyone else in the family is being fed three square meals a day as well.  When a new mom is gifted a meal made with love, she can spend her time focusing on the baby and the other needs of her family.  These meals can be pre-made to freeze or delivered as a warm ready meal; whatever new mom finds most convenient for her at the moment.  If you are not the cooking type, gift cards or meals to a local restaurant or catering company can also be an incredible way to provide meals to the new mom’s family.  Nothing says “I care” like giving a mom the freedom of not having to worry about food for a few days.  


2. Help with the baby and/or other kids


Sometimes the smallest break can make a world of difference to a new mom.  Taking care of a new baby can be draining in the first few weeks of a baby's life.  Offer to watch the baby so mama can get a much needed nap in, or get out of the house for a bit to get some fresh air.  It may also be helpful to take the older kids out for a fun trip to the park or simply to another room to play for awhile so mom can focus on herself and her baby.  



3. Help her with her responsibilities


Housework and chores/errands can be the last thing on a new mom’s mind while she is taking care of her baby.  That said, all of the responsibilities that need to be taken care of can be a glaring reminder of what needs done while she sits with her new baby and sees them surrounding her.  The dishes, the laundry, the dirty floors, the bills that need to be paid; they can all seem daunting.  Doing small little chores for the new mom can help in so many ways.  She could probably utilize your help with: 

  • Grabbing items from the store
  • Taking mail to the post office or running other errands
  • Cleaning and taking care of other chores around the home
  • Taking older kids to and from school or practices


Whatever it looks like for you to be able to help with daily tasks or what she may actually need done in any given day; any offer to help can lighten her load. Simply ask! 


4. Bring her a surprise


Everyone wants to see the new baby.  Everyone wants to bring the baby a gift.  Whether you bring the mom a unique gift for the new baby or a special gift for mama herself, it will be appreciated.  If you do choose to bring the baby a gift, throw in a gift for their mommy as well.  It can be as simple as a gift card for her favorite food, a coffee, some chocolate, a massage or pedicure gift card or simply taking the time to sit and chat with her and let her know she’s not alone.  


Wrap up


While these are a few random and intentional acts of kindness to help you love on a new mom, you can choose to shower her in ways that you know will touch her heart the most.  Connecting with another mom and being present in her life when she brings a new baby home, will establish some security within her to let her know that she can count on you should a need arise.

For more information on our services or connecting with our staff or other moms, contact us at 419-238-9177 or

PLC Health Clinic

FREE pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasound, STD/STI testing for women and men, prenatal and parenting classes, and material support.