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Cultivating a Grateful Family

Cultivating a Grateful Family

Everyone benefits from being positive and grateful.  Even very young children pick up easily on the cues around them; positive or negative. 

Everyone Needs a Budget

Everyone Needs a Budget

First time budget planning can be very overwhelming!  There are several techniques you can use to help track household income and spending.  Let’s take a look at a few illustrations that are super helpful and low stress ways of getting your finances in order.

Domestic Violence- It Affects Everyone

Domestic Violence- It Affects Everyone

In bringing awareness to National Domestic Violence Awareness Month we wanted to bring light to the fact that abuse does not just affect the partner being abused first hand.  Second hand abuse is real and unborn babies and children are directly affected when their mother or father is living through domestic violence. 

I'm Pregnant... What Do I Do Next?

I'm Pregnant... What Do I Do Next?


When a woman gets that positive pregnancy test, it can make your world temporarily feel like it’s spinning out of control.  While it seems overwhelming, it’s important to understand that there is hope and there is help available for you while you  navigate your way through all of the unknowns. 

Newborn Safety

Newborn Safety

A newborn’s safety is probably at the top of the list for parents, but there may be some questions about how to keep that tiny little baby safe. 

Hydration During Pregnancy

Hydration During Pregnancy

While the average person needs eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, an expectant mother needs to increase her water intake up to 12 8-ounce glasses per day.  Water is incredibly important during each trimester. 

PLC Health Clinic

FREE pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasound, STD/STI testing for women and men, prenatal and parenting classes, and material support.