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Parenthood....From 0mph-100mph!

Parenthood....From 0mph-100mph!

Join us over the next few weeks for a series on "preparing for parenthood". We will take a brief look at how to get ready in all regards- mentally, emotionally, physically, educationally, your home, etc.



Whether your pregnancy was planned or a total surprise to you, the fact of the matter is—there’s a baby bump ahead! And along with it, a lot of changes to your life.

The pregnancy test is positive.….Now what?

The pregnancy test is positive.….Now what?

Are you feeling scared or overwhelmed? It can be difficult to make decisions when you feel like your life is spinning out of control.

PLC Health Clinic

FREE pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasound, STD/STI testing for women and men, prenatal and parenting classes, and material support.